I'm a powerfully deep coach, and one conversation with me can be life changing
(and I also I have a bucket load of my own blind spots, fears, doubts and insecurities)
All my life I’ve yearned for connections that feel authentic and sacred
(and I’ve also felt like I don’t really fit in anywhere, even when others see that I am)
I’ve always known I’m here to do world changing things
(and my belief in myself and my power is a life long work in progress, as is my sense of focus)
I am committed to living as whole, conscious and present a life as I can
(and I also spend plenty of my life forgetting my wholeness, unconscious and out of presence)
I have so much curiosity and courage, & that's had me dive in and really experience many things
(and there are SO MANY places where I’ve held back out of fear, not enough-ness and self judgment)
I am a powerful, perfectly imperfect human, coming back home to myself and to this sacred, living world-
again and again and again.

My journey into this work as a leader, coach and facilitator was quite accidental (while also perfectly divine).
I became a mother at 20, while studying at University.
My whole world and life trajectory shifted.
I dived into motherhood, which extended into homeschooling, single parenting and home making.
It was my world.
I didn’t see much beyond that for a few years, until the nudge for more got louder and louder inside me (that and wanting to earn an income).
I knew I wanted to continue spending most of my time with my children and not go out to a regular job.
I also knew I had a gift for creating safe, sacred and transformational spaces (I’d held circles and rituals with friends and family).
I’d studied non-violent communication and completed a course in sharing that with other parents. Around that same time I was introduced to the concept of life coaching through my brother in law who was both a nurse and a coach for colleagues in the hospital he worked (I didn’t even know coaching was a thing until then).
I was intrigued at the possibilities of having truly deep, authentic, expansive and life changing conversations with people for work!
I found a coach training that combined non-violent communication with neuro-linguistic programming and dived into that. When that was complete I found another coach training, one that brought in embodiment, in the moment practice, circle work and heart intelligence. I dived into that for another couple of years.
I did a lot of free and peer coaching, not yet sure if I was ready to turn it into paid work for myself.
(holy moly, the business side of doing your soul’s work is just as huge a journey as the actual doing of the work! And most trainings don’t equip you for that).
Right around the time when I knew I needed to actually make coaching more than a volunteer hobby, I connected with a friend (and fellow homeschooling mother). She had also just completed a coach training and was in the same place as me. We joined forces, leaning on each other as we nervously stepped into our work.
Lisa and I co-created Mothers Awakening (http://mothersawakening.com/) and worked together for 8 years, supporting mothers all over the world to reconnect with themselves, their children, their partners and a sense of the sacred in life.
Working in Mothers Awakening was a big and incredibly nourishing journey. Then in 2019, when my children were well and truly teenagers, the nudge for more got louder and louder inside me again.
The nudge to listen to what wants to come through me next, and to turn towards the ‘impossible’, world changing visions I hold inside, to take my next steps towards them.
That’s what lead me here, to working with people like you, ready to step into your soul’s work and make your contribution to the world you want to be living in.
And oh my Goddess, I LOVE the clients I work with! I love the fire inside them and the work they bring into the world!!!
This sacred work lights me up!

- My childhood was spent in the 'bush' (a rural setting surrounded by forest - translation for non Australians). I had hippy, activist parents who took me to wild and wonderful forest blockades, conferences and festivals and encouraged me to have an open mind and heart.
- I grew up in dwellings that didn’t keep the wildlife out and had many intimate experiences with carpet snakes, goannas, wallabies, possums, geckos, kookaburras, cockatoos, huntsmen spiders, paddemelons, leeches, flies, dragon flies, ticks and more. We lived on solar power and rain water, near a beautiful clean river that was my favourite place to be. That intimacy with the web of life around me has helped shape who I am.
- I had a house in the community where I grew up (my children spent their early years there). That home, as well as the one I grew up in, burnt down in late 2019 in the Australian bushfires. While I currently live elsewhere, I spend a fair bit of time back there, working on the place and I’ll live there again soon, surrounded by a permaculture food forest I am dreaming up (and physically creating).
- I’ve supplemented my income with other casual jobs over the years. I've casually worked in disability support and also been a life model for artists groups since I was 18. My house is full of nude paintings and drawings of me, and I love them!
- I have my own coach (and have had many over the years), I pay them more than I thought I could afford and our work is changing my life. Having my own coach is one of the biggest keys for me.
- I have a really healthy and loving relationship with my children’s dad and his partner, and I know that’s because we’ve all chosen that to be the case.
- I make things happen by saying YES to them and then working out the how as I go along. That had me (among many other things) travel 6 weeks in Sri Lanka, alone with my kids when they were 10 and 12. I got us plane tickets, when I didn’t know how I’d make the rest happen. It was intense and amazing.
- I know deep in my bones, that you, and I, and everyone who feels the call, can collectively create the more beautiful, just and soulful world we can imagine. It is inside us.
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