I've spent way too much of my life discounting my power

Uncategorized Mar 12, 2021
I've spent way too much of my life discounting my power, doubting my wisdom, downplaying my expertise and distracting myself from what wants to come through me.

And its agonising, knowing I'm not showing up for myself and honouring the work that wants to be. It's deadening to allow doubt and confusion more space than uncensored expression.

It's also disheartening, wanting to really contribute, to help make the world a better place (for want of a way to say that, that doesn't sound cliché)- and not really feeling like my contributions have the substance, effectiveness... or soul that I know they can.

And the decision to shift that wasn't a big moment of fireworks and 'nothing's ever the same from now on'.

But it was a decision with a lot of sacred, 'this is real shit' power behind it. A decision I've continued to remind myself of, continued to remake, and will continue to remake again and again.

I decided that this human I am, in this body, with my experiences and accomplishments, my gifts and my quirks is so much more than enough and ready to do the things I feel drawn to doing. Actually more than that.

It was a knowing that I am the person to do those things, how I do them, in all my me-ness.

A coming back home to me. A deep care and appreciation for who I be, what I bring, how I bring it, as enough... as so much more than enough.

A courage to live into that decision and step into the soul-led leadership I am, in each moment, called to step into.

And this living into decision is the bedrock my confidence, clarity, and sense of purpose grows out of everyday. It breathes life into life.

More Than Ready is a small group program to own your unique and powerful you-ness and confidently step into the work you're here for at this time. You know it, you feel it, and you are ready for it.
It is deep, it is transformational and it is fun and liberating as all hell too. 

I run it a few times a year, if you're interested, email me - [email protected]

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