You are more than enough as you are.
You don't need more experience, more confidence, more readiness, more training, more certifications, more intelligence, more articulation, more attraction, more profundity, more content, more focus or more drive to share your work with the world.
Claiming, owning and being IN who you are, where you are NOW is the leadership you're meant for and the leadership others want and need from you.
And it is the only powerful place of leadership you can ever come from.
If you're always trying to be outside of yourself, trying to be more, 'better', different, you won't feel the power of YOU, your leadership and your contributions and neither will others.
You can continue to deepen, refine and expand your unique flavour of leadership. Growth is always an option, but don't make that mean you aren't yet enough, right now, right here, with all you've got inside you.
Don't let that keep you outside of yourself, your power, your responsibility and your choice.
If you feel a spark, a flame, a knowing that you have a contribution to make, an offering to share, a space to create, a business to birth, a position to claim...
Then YOU, here and now- no more, no less- is more than enough to bring it forth.
You are more than enough.
I'm thinking of running an 8 week deep dive immersion into claiming, articulating and sharing your leadership from where you are right now, knowing your enough-ness deep in your bones.
If I were to offer this, would you be interested? (and you can really respond if you'd like, I'm up for a two way connection and won't use any pushy or manipulative sales tactics on you ever)
You can email - [email protected]