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What I do when I feel fear

What I do when I feel fear...

I personify it as a scared little child inside.
I don't let it run the show, it doesn't have the capacity (or the need).

I connect in with my power, my vastness, my soul, MY BREATH...
then I turn toward it, bringing it into a big hug.

No harm can come from me allowing it to be heard and held... plus, it is valid.

I empathise with it (makes a lot of sense why its here and bringing the stories it does).

I let it know I won't abandon it, and when I feel that sink in, I engage with it. I dance with it into a place of new possibilities.
I'll let you in on a conversation I had with fear of responsibility this morning-

Hi little one, I hear you, I love you, I am here for you, I care for you.
I acknowledge being the the oldest of 4 sisters, responsibilities did sometimes suck. I didn't deal with them well all the time, others didn't want me to have them sometimes.

Responsibility can be lonely and scary, like 'who's got me?'. The...
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