You are more powerful than you think

You are more powerful than you think.

Not because you're more special than anyone else... because you are alive... and alive humans tend to think a lot and that thinking can get in the way of knowing our power.

You can also be a freaking significant player in creating the world you long for. You have it in you.

And you don't have to sacrifice yourself or your dreams to do so. You don't have to do the thing you think you should do to create change, the thing you feel obligated to do.

The key to your most powerful role in creating that world you long for, is in the secret visions you see yourself in, the contributions you long to make-

"if only I were more courageous, connected, capable, creative".

The key is in the fire you feel inside you.

The fire that says-
'let me out, I'm here to be expressed'
'I'm here to mingle and grow with others'
'I'm here to burn in the world, not smoulder inside'
'I'm here to create, restructure and destroy'

That fire within you isn't meant to stay hidden under stories of-
'not possible'
'who am I?'
'I'm kidding myself'
'that's egoic, selfish'
'that's stupid, naive'
'definitely not what I should be doing'

This doesn't mean that we're all on an equal footing and societal privilege isn't a thing. It is, and we aren't.

And the system is complex, lots of dysfunctional systems within dysfunctional systems.

And lots of what needs changing is systemic and, in part, beyond many individual's control

but something I choose never to forget is that all social systems are made up of living breathing humans- just like me and just like you.

Your little fire may seem insignificant, but all the significant changes in all societies have been created and nurtured by little fires just like yours.

It is humans and our courageous acts of honouring the fire that has and will continue to create the change we know is possible. The world we feel inside.

Like each piece of a puzzle, your little fire is valuable.

It links in with others.

and as more and more of us really know our power and really let ours burn, the changes that can and do happen are way more than your judging mind can foresee.

And regardless what you call it, regardless whether you believe in a soul purpose or not. It always feels better to honour the fire that's kindling within.

It can feel scary to let it out, but its an alive kind of scary. A vulnerability that says 'yes! this is what I'm here for!'

so what is the fire inside calling you towards?

where is it nudging you?
what is it whispering?
What does it say your world changing contributions could be?

Your answers will be different to those around you, even those
closest to you, even those you look to follow.

And your fire doesn't have to be big (yet it can be if it is)...
soft and gentle fires are needed too.

and fires that stay in one place are just as needed as fires that spread and intermingle far and wide.

And, before you get yourself all overwhelmed by what it might mean to let your fire out into the world...

know that nothing needs to happen faster than you choose.
There is actually a lot of power and courage in teeny tiny steps.

And taking them is leaps ahead of keeping your embers smouldering inside for fear of how big it all is, or fear of not being up for the task.

So, what is your next teeny tiny step in honouring the fire?

If you want a space to speak it, or even explore what it might have to say, I can provide that space.

I am here to remind change makers with a fire inside, that you can create all you dream of and that your contributions really do matter.


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