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You are more powerful than you think

You are more powerful than you think.

Not because you're more special than anyone else... because you are alive... and alive humans tend to think a lot and that thinking can get in the way of knowing our power.

You can also be a freaking significant player in creating the world you long for. You have it in you.

And you don't have to sacrifice yourself or your dreams to do so. You don't have to do the thing you think you should do to create change, the thing you feel obligated to do.

The key to your most powerful role in creating that world you long for, is in the secret visions you see yourself in, the contributions you long to make-

"if only I were more courageous, connected, capable, creative".

The key is in the fire you feel inside you.

The fire that says-
'let me out, I'm here to be expressed'
'I'm here to mingle and grow with others'
'I'm here to burn in the world, not smoulder inside'
'I'm here to create, restructure and destroy'

That fire within you isn't...
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