Contributing your soul work in the world AND making money in the process
... how do you feel about that?
Do you feel comfortable with it? If not entirely, listen in ♥
This was a live I shared inside my private 'Call To Lead' Facebook group, If you're not a part of it and want to connect there, you can join here-
Here's to you leading with your unique contribution
As an empathic human, dedicated to shared power, justice, freedom and an honouring of all life, it can feel really uncomfortable to call yourself a leader.
It can feel really uncomfortable even if a part of you secretly wishes you didn't have an issue with it and could really shine in your influence, creativity, possibility and power (because that's what the spark inside wants for you).
The discomfort does make sense. Its valid and shows you how much you want to create real change and not contribute to repeating the same old dysfunctional systems and patterns.
It's valid... AND... it's an invitation to rewrite your definitions of leadership.
So I ask you now-
Journal on it.
Now look over your definition and pull out the parts that you never want to be like.
'Leaders can be ...
arrogant, with delusions of grandeur, with a superiority complex, control freaks, egotistical, dishonest, corrupted by power, fake,...
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